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WTT Partners with IWORK to jointly champion independent work

15th July, 2021

WTT Partners with IWORK to jointly champion independent work

WTT is delighted to announce its partnership with IWORK, the UK’s leading community for independent workers.

Joining the select group of trusted partners to offer professional advice to its community, WTT welcomes the shared values and commitment to supporting the freelancing industry that is so vital in the current climate. 

Reflecting on IWORK’s journey to date, founder Julia Kermode said: “My approach has always been inclusive, and I will work with any organisation that is likeminded, ethical and genuinely wants to make a positive difference to these workers.  For me it’s all about supporting independent workers to be successful in whatever they do”.

With events such as a Statement of Work masterclass with WTT’s Legal Director, Carla Roberts, IWORK’s resources provide an unrivalled library for independent workers and those operating within the contingent supply chain.

WTT’s Managing Director, Rhys Thomas, commented “the independent worker industry has, for a long time, been under threat by legislative and policy decisions which fail to acknowledge its importance in the UK’s economy. IWORK provides an essential resource for everyone operating in this sector to empower themselves and protect their business for future prosperity. We are delighted to be working closely with Julia, IWORK, its actively engaged community and our fellow trusted partners whose principles and integrity directly align with our own.”

For more information on IWORK visit https://iwork.co.uk/

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